Saturday, August 6, 2011

Summer fun continues...

The Seefeldt Family hosted their annual Bonfire party on Friday night.  Harrison would have partied all night and was upset when we made him leave at 10:30.

He enjoyed many treats and decided the toy chain saw made a great chair!
 The kids all lined up to watch the grown ups light the fire.
 FINALLY!  The fire begins!
Below are some pictures from a few weeks ago.  Even though it was 100 degrees, we braved the heat to go to the Raspberry Day Parade in Hopkins.  Grandma and Grandpa Olmem also went to the parade.

We drank plenty of water to stay cool.
 The parade started off with fire trucks sounding their horns.  A little to loud for H!

 Some floats gave out freeze pops...I think Harrison had 4 of them!

By the end of the parade, Harrison took his shirt off to stay cool.  Despite the heat, the kids were still able to gather lots of candy!

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