Sunday, July 31, 2011

Summer Adventures!

Harrison has been doing more that just celebrating his birthday the last few weeks.  He took a couple of overnight trips.  The first was up to Duluth with Grandma and Grandpa Olmem.  He kept reminding us "But not mommy and daddy...just Fitzie."  They went to the boat museum, train museum, the park, played in the pool and road the NorthShore railroad train...all in just two days!  Harrison is already planning his next solo trip!  (Unfortunately the were too busy to take any pictures but the picture below was a parting shot from Uncle Andy's visit.)

Last week Matt and H headed up to Hackensack to the Lichty family cabin.  Grandpa & Grandma Lichty and Auntie Suzanne were eagerly awaiting them for some water fun.

Although the fishing did not produce much, it was not for lack of effort.

Word had it, Harrison was in the water for most of the day.

 He was a set to try tubing...but decided he needed to be a little bigger and just rode in the boat instead.
 Lunch time!  Hot dog roast...followed by marsh mellows!

 One of the neighboring towns has turtle races every Wednesday so of course Harrison had to check it out.
 Sizing up the field, looking for the fiercest competitor.

Luckily he caught a little more during this try fishing.
 And they're off...
 Some great summer memories for everyone!

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