Monday, January 17, 2011

Our little fish!

We started swimming lessons last week. Harrison loves the water and could not wait to get in!
I was a little nervous whether Harrison would be able to listen to the teacher since he just wanted to dive in but he did a great job!
Matt was the brave one to go into the water with Harrison this time. We are doing the lessons at the Ridgedale YMCA and I was pretty impressed with the first lesson. There were only 2 other kids in the class and the teacher was so good with the kids.

This past weekend Grandma and Grandpa came to visit. H loved all the playtime and story time.
He of course loved celebrating Grandma Nancy's birthday the most!

Matt borrowed a four wheeler with a plow to help clear our all the snow. Harrison was begging to go on it. He is still talking about it!

We went to the asthma doctor today and H is doing great so was can go down to one neb a day! Yeah!

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