Sunday, January 9, 2011

An action packed weekend!

We had fun but busy weekend! Friday night the Hatlestad family came over for pizza and fun. Grayson, Lincoln, and Harrison had fun playing cars and trains.
The boys then snuggled in to watch a movies. H couldn't quite sit still long enough for the whole movie, he was too excited to have friends over.

Saturday night, our former neighbor Ellen Hynes (aka E-Hy) had her first babysitting gig...with Harrison! She has been helping with him since he was born but this time was here first time solo! It was win-win...Ellen got to babysit and we got to go out with her parents! Harrison had a great time but was a little tired in the photo below. YEAH that Ellen is finally old enough to babysit solo!!!!!!!!!
Sunday morning we headed out to the zoo bright and early. Auntie Suzanne came along too!
Harrison especially liked the Discovery Bay where he could put his hands in the water with the fish!

I laugh at this picture below...I think he looks like a teenager! (OK, not quite but almost...)
The highlight of the weekend was meeting Olivia Flynn on Sunday night! Younger sister to H's buddy Thomas. Harrison was so sweet to the baby. He kept wanting to give her kisses and check on her.

Of course the best part of the night for the boys were the money cookies!

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