Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Halloween Night!

Harrison had some Halloween surprises when he got home from school.  He thought it was just Grandma and Grandpa reading the paper...but when he looked behind the paper, he discovered some scary looking grandparents! (He thought it was fantastic!)

 Then the doorbell rang...our first trick or treaters!?!?!?!
 Hmmmm....those trick or treaters look an awful lot like our other grandma and grandpa!
 Miss Quinn's first Halloween!
 Our Lady Bug didn't really want to get pictures taken.  You might remember that Harrison was a shark last year too.  Well...he liked it so much he wanted to it again this year (and it still fit)!
 Couldn't go out without his partners in crime!
 They hit every house in the neighborhood and raked in a good haul of treats!

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