Sunday, August 15, 2010

At the cabin!

Harrison and I took our first trip to the Lichty family cabin. Friday night was the perfect night for a pontoon ride around the lake. Harrion loved watching the water plane take off and land.

There were some good memories made with Grandma and Grandpa Lichty. Hopefully no one will remember Harrison's Saturday morning attire! At least he was warm!
We had a beautiful sunset! (I love this picture!)
It was a bit too windy to enjoy the lake on Saturday so Auntie Suzanne and Erik join us on a trip into Walker for "Walker Days". We saw a fire truck and Smokey the Bear. Harrison also got some bug tatoos!
Of coure the lawn had to be mowed at the cabin too!
The ugly asthma monster had reared its head again so Harrison was not feeling very well for our weekend at the cabin. We did cut the trip a bit short but we had a fun time anyway!

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