Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Paging Dr. Harrison, Paging Dr. Harrison

Well, Harrison didn't make it very long into the cold and flu season before having a bout with his asthma. It all started with a runny nose on Saturday. Sunday night, he pretty much cried all night because he was so uncomfortable. Monday morning we brought him into our clinic and his oxygen level were pretty low. SOOOO, we spent Tuesday night at the U of M Children's Hospital again.

It was a pretty rough day at first for the little guy (we thought best not to take pictures of him while he wasn't feeling so hot) but after a few breathing treatments and a couple of doses of steroids, he was ready to go...and go...and go...and go..One of the side effects of the steroids is hyper-activity. We made good use of all the toy rooms!

Grandma and Grandpa Lichty came for dinner...luckily Harrison didn't lose his appetite!
Harrison had a really hard time going to sleep even though he had been up for most of the previous 24 hours. He didn't like the monitors on his foot and I think he was a little scared in the big crib. Matt and I switched off actually sleeping in the crib with him. At least Harrison got some sleep!
We are home now and our little guy is on the mend! I think his time at the hospital will further his desire to become a doctor.

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