Wednesday, October 28, 2009

An ounce of prevention...

Thanks to Harrison's slightly obsessive mother, he got the H1N1 vaccination today. I wouldn't say I stalked our doctor's office for it...I would just say I "checked frequently" to see if they had it.

Harrison let out a cry when they stuck him but was quickly calmed thanks to some Teddy Grahams that I brought for him. Sometimes it helps to have a kid motivated by food! Don't let the picture fool you, he wasn't upset when it was taken...the remainer of the Teddy Grahams were on the bench next to him and he was focused on them instead of the camera! (A special thanks to Grandma and Grandpa Lichty who played cab driver to Harrison so he could get his shot today.)
On Tuesday night, we had a surprise dinner guest...Grandpa Terry was in town and stopped to play with Harrison for a bit!

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