Harrison had a weekend full on friends!
Friday night was another fun time with Thomas. The boys had fun pushing each other around...literally...in H's little cart. I seriously look at this picture and laugh because the boys were so funny pushing each other. (Please note that all necessary safety measure were in place during this stunt.) I need to get Thomas' mom Megan credit once again for the photo. She always gets better ones than I do.

On Saturday, our old neighbor Ellen came over to help watch Harrison so I could get a couple things done around the house. Man, do I miss having her right next door!

Saturday evening, Harrison's buddies Lincoln and Grayson Hatlestad came over for take-out, movies, and games. (They brought their parents along to play with us!)

Last week, we met H's newest friend...Santa! He is no fool, he walked right over to him and had no issue sitting on his lap. I am a little disappointed Santa was not in his traditional outfit (I mean, I didn't really realize that Santa sometimes wore sweatpants) none the less, we got some pictures without any tears so it was a successful visit.

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