Coming into Christmas Eve, we were a little nervous that we would have to alter our plans due to a massive snow storm hitting Minnesota. Luckily, everyone arrived safe and sound and we had a fantastic holiday! We had two full day of festivities so I'll try to just keep it to the highlights but this could quite possibly be the longest posting ever...or maybe I will break it up into a couple postings.
Christmas Eve Morning....It was just our little nuclear family for Christmas Eve morning. The snow had started the night before so it was the perfect backdrop for Christmas. Harrison opened his gift from us (a Magna-Doodle).

The three of us then went to the 8th floor Macy's in downtown Minneapolis to see the "Day in the life of an Elf" display. Harrison loved it! He was so excited he couldn't stop pointing at everything!

He wanted to make sure his new little friend saw that the trees could talk...

Christmas Eve night we had the Lichty Christmas, good cheer and presents were in abundance!

Harrison LOVES the clown on a stick that Grandma and Grandpa got in Germany. It was worth the time Grandma (and Grandpa) spent searching for it on their trip.

His new "choo choo" was also a big hit!

He was happy to model his new rain hat from Auntie Suzanne (he also got the matching jacket!).

As if Harrison didn't have enough gifts to open, he thought he would help Auntie Suzanne too (after he ate his cracker, of course)!

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