Monday, February 6, 2012

King Pin!

Harrison has been asking to go "real bowling".  Apparently the he is a big fan of the bowling they do a daycare.  We decided that 99 cent games at Brunswick bowl would be a great adventure so wrangled up his crew of Thomas Flynn and Maggie Hanson (and their handlers and support teams) for a morning on the lanes.
The lanes automatically had bumpers that come up on the side when the kids got up to bowl.
  After the first frame of trying to roll the balls down the lane, we decided a little help from a ramp might save some toes.
 Harrison's favorite part was that the ball automatically got returned after they threw them.
 Sunday evening was the SuperBowl at the Swensons!
 Olivia Swenson helped out with Miss Quinn!
The kids were not that into the game but a movie grabbed their attention.
 All ready for bed!  A little parting shot...

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