While Daddy was enjoying a weekend skiing with friends, Fitzie and Mommy had some quality time. Friday night we had pizza and movie night with the McConnell girls since their daddy was skiing too! Reese and H watched Finding Nemo! (I took the pictures this weekend on my phone so they are not the best quality.

Saturday was an action packed day! We went to the Xcel center to watch the Hermantown Hawks play in the Class A state hockey championship game. Unfortunately, the Hawks lost but we had fun catching up with friends! Harrison loved clapping with the band and cheering when the crowd cheered. His favorite part was watching the Zamboni!

After the game, we stopped to see Uncle Pat and Auntie Karla who were in town from Iowa. On Saturday night, Harrison and I went to a "Soup Party". The kids ate pasta but the adults got to sample 8 different soups and rate the best one. All I can say is YUMMY! I didn't get any pictures but Harrison was a trooper! He only had a short nap and was up until 10:00 but we had a great time! Unfortunately, Harrison favorite car was lost at the party so we had to do a quick trip to Target on Sunday to replace it. The rest of the day we are just chilling at home resting up from our busy Saturday!
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