What a day! Even though Harrison was a little cranky today due to an early morning wake up and short nap, he rallied to make it a fun evening!

Our neighbors hosted a "pre-trick or treating" dinner. A great way to start the evening despite, one of the kids fell and had to head to the hospital for stitches. (He was more upset about missing the candy than his head hurting.) The rest of the crew headed out to hit the neighborhood. We didn't get a group picture but we did get a couple of the little ones.

Harrison enjoyed having Nora along for the ride!

The little kids followed the big kids and quickly caught on about how the whole night works!

We stopped off to pick up Jack since he didn't make it to the pre-game festivities.

After doing the rounds, Harrison dumped out his loot! (Helpful Hint: A lot of families in our neighborhood give out full size candy bars....luckily we convince H they were "Daddy Size" candy bars and he easily gave them up.)

Harrison had a great Halloween weekend but I think we need to readjust his sugar to health food intake this week!
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