Harrison had a fun week with his friends in the neighborhood. On Tuesday, we celebrated National Night Out with a block party. It was about 100 degrees but there was a great turnout.
Of course Jack and Harrison had to eat together.

The only bummer is that we thought the city was sending over a fire truck so we kept telling the kids a fire truck was coming...instead, we got a snow plow. (Seriously City of Minnetonka...a snow plow???)

Harrison thought it was pretty cool to sit in the drivers seat and honk the horn.

Friday night, we went over to our neighbors (the Sands) for dinner. (Jack and his parents were there too!) Harrison and Caroline watched a movie...well, actually about 20 minutes of a movies...but it was 20 peaceful minutes!

Sunday it was HOT! Our old neighbor E-Hy (Ellen Hynes) came over to spend the day with us. We got the pool out to cool down.

Jack came over to join in the fun!
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