Saturday we went to a Kentucky Derby party at the Grussings. They go all out and even though our horses didn't win, we still had fun.

Saturday evening, Harrison entertained our friends the Aamodt's with his dance moves and "cheers" with the glasses. Denise and Craig were in town for the Wells Fargo Half Marathon and staying with us for the night. Matt and I snuck over to a neighborhood party and Denise and Craig were nice enough to babysit Harrison for a few hours. (Yes, we put our house guests to work! In our defense, they had to rest up for the race the next day.) On Sunday, we got up bright and early to go cheer our friends in the Wells Fargo half marathon. Everyone did a great and Harrison did well clapping for all the runners. It only took 2 packs of fruit snacks and a granola bar for him to remain happy.

Side note...Harrison wants to send a belated "shout out" to his newest playmate Whitney Ann Kelly! Although she is only 2 weeks old, he can already tell that she is going to be a looker and wants to make sure he has an inside track.
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