Harrison made sure he had his essentials for the 2.5 hour drive to Duluth.
We went to the Duluth Depot and Harrison LOVED the trains. I think he said the words "train" and "choo-choo" at least 500 times in a 1.5 hour period. It was pretty cute, when Grandpa asked if Harrison wanted to go see the trains, Harrison ran up and grab his hand.
Once he saw all the big trains, he started running towards them.

After going on the big trains, he played in the Children's Museum with the small trains.
The Easter Bunny was very good to Harrison. Turns out he really likes jelly beans and is willing to share...but it usually involves him taking the one in his mouth out to offer it to you! He got a new bubble lawn mower in Duluth and a wagon with beach toys from the bunny's stop in Wayzata. (Auntie Suz got in on the action too and got H the CUTEST Joe Mauer Twins shirt.) I think Harrison might get Christmas and Easter mixed up because he got so many gifts!

Harrison was nice enough to help Grandma Ann and me blow out our birthday candles.

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