Monday, April 26, 2010
Missing child....
I don't have many pictures to post of Harrison from the weekend since he was kidnapped on Saturday. He was last seen about 11:00 on Saturday when he was picked up by two people who go by the alias' "Grandma Nancy" and "Grandpa Terry" and was supposed to just go spend the afternoon at Great Grandma Grace's house. However, the afternoon turned into an overnight. Matt and I were able to put aside our concern for our child long enough to go out with friends Saturday evening but the constant worrying almost stopped us from sleeping in until 9:00 am on Sunday. (luckily we were able to power through it.) Harrison was finally returned to us on Sunday. He was in good spirits and only suffering some minor effects from some serious spoiling!
Harrison was able to enjoy some relaxing time catching up on his reading Sunday afternoon.
Monday, April 19, 2010
World Peace via Dilly Bars
Harrison and Matt had a few friends over while I had a ladies night out. Matt had 6 guys and Harrison had 13 playmates for a little BBQ and some serious playtime. I am happy to report the house was still standing and fairly clean when I got home. Apparently the key to world peace might be Dilly Bars...if they can get 13 kids to sit happily on a grassy hill for a few minutes, who knows what other magic they could do!

Monday, April 12, 2010
Let's play ball!
Joe Mauer took time out from getting ready for the home opener today to make us breakfast. Surprisingly, he looks much taller on TV...

The video below is for a couple people who have wanted to hear Harrison talk.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Party Circuit
Harrison had a very busy social calendar this weekend. On Saturday, he helped Maggie Hanson celebrate her third birthday at "Just Jump" which has a ton on inflatable things for kids to climb and jump in. Harrison had a blast! Matt and I had to get in on the action and rode the slide down a few times too.

Saturday evening, Matt and I went out with some friends so Harrison had his favorite babysitter Mara over to play.
Finally, Sunday, we helped cousin Reilly celebrate his third birthday. Although Harrison doesn't look really happy in this picture, he had a great time...he just didn't want to stop playing with all the fun toys to sit for a picture.
Friday, April 9, 2010
So there was this incident with a goat...
In happier news....our old neighbors the Hynes' came over for dinner tonight! Harrison was excited to see "E-Hy"! I was excited to have my helper back for the night!
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Happy Everything!
I got a card from a friend on Friday that said "Happy Everything". That phrase just kind of fit the weekend...happy Easter, happy toddler, happy grandparents, and happy birthday to Grandma Ann and me! The only downer of the weekend is that Harrison is sick again. He is all stuffed up and weezing. Unfortunately, he hardly slept Friday night. Luckily we were in Duluth for the weekend so we had 4 people to split the duties!
Harrison made sure he had his essentials for the 2.5 hour drive to Duluth.
We went to the Duluth Depot and Harrison LOVED the trains. I think he said the words "train" and "choo-choo" at least 500 times in a 1.5 hour period. It was pretty cute, when Grandpa asked if Harrison wanted to go see the trains, Harrison ran up and grab his hand.
Once he saw all the big trains, he started running towards them.

After going on the big trains, he played in the Children's Museum with the small trains.
The Easter Bunny was very good to Harrison. Turns out he really likes jelly beans and is willing to share...but it usually involves him taking the one in his mouth out to offer it to you! He got a new bubble lawn mower in Duluth and a wagon with beach toys from the bunny's stop in Wayzata. (Auntie Suz got in on the action too and got H the CUTEST Joe Mauer Twins shirt.) I think Harrison might get Christmas and Easter mixed up because he got so many gifts!

Harrison was nice enough to help Grandma Ann and me blow out our birthday candles.

Thursday, April 1, 2010
Mother of the year??? You be the judge...
Tonight it was 75 degrees when I got home from work so we decided to take a bike ride. Conviently, there is a Dairy Queen within biking distance. We tried to get Harrison to eat something before we left but he just wanted to be "outside". In the end, he had ice cream for dinner. If the under age 10 population votes for "Mother of the Year", I think allowing ice cream for dinner gives me a distictive edge over the competition. However, if resposible parents are the judge of the award....I think I might have to wait until 2011 to be eligible again. Oh well...It was a fun night!
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