At some point in Harrison's life we will have to let him know that his birthday is just one day and not actually an entire week...however, it will not be this year! We continued celebrating Harrison's birthday with a family gathering.
The theme was Curious George since H is a very curious little boy. We had what we will refer to as "The Cake Incident of '09". Harrison ended up with 3 birthday cakes! (Note to first time parents...Byerlys has a free cake for 1st birthdays and there are no controls. A little miscommunication between Matt and I landed us two free cakes and a lovely Jungle themed sheet cake.)
It was so much fun to have our family there to celebrate! Although none of us will ever win American Idol, Harrison seemed to enjoy listening to all of us sing to him!
(Sorry the video is over a minute long and is a little shakey but I am posting a few of them anyway!)
Harrison loved digging into a big cake and making a mess with the blue frosting! (Additional note to other first time parents...I would highly recommend a cake with all white frosting for 1 year olds...the blue frosting stains and let's just say the mess it makes the next day in the diaper is not a pretty sight!) You'll note the Harrison doesn't take his eyes off the cake!

We really tried to get a picture of all four grandparents looking at the camera but in every single picture at least one of them is looking at Harrison!

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