Harrison had another busy weekend. Friday started out with a trip to see Dr. Carlson for his four month check-up. He weighed in at 15 lbs 3 ozs (50-75% tile) and is 24 inched long (15-25% tile). Even though Dr. Carlson didn't actually say the words, she obviously thought that Harrison is very advanced since he is meeting all developmental milestones! Harrison thought if he looked really cute and smiled the whole time, maybe Dr. Carlson would forget about the four shots he was supposed to get. No such luck but thankfully he took them like a champ!

Friday evening brought friends Mike and Jessice for dinner. Although Harrison was up past his bed time, he enjoyed falling asleep in Jessica's arms. He is already charming all the pretty ladies!

After dinner and games with friends on Saturday evening, the weekend was capped off at Grandma and Grandpa Lichty's house for dinner on Sunday. We celebrated dad and grandpa's birthdays!

Just a random shot of Harrison modeling his cowboy boots!
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