Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Where do we begin (Part 1)

Wow, it has been awhile since I have updated the blog.  Each year I make books out of the blogs, this years book might be a thin volume!  I'll try to make up for it with a couple longer posts.  We definitely have been busy enough to fill a few chapters.  

Harrison continues to love EVERYTHING.  He has been have a particularly good time with boy scouts.  A fun mock camp out kick off the spring.

They also went to "Base Camp"

It has been a great first grade year.  Ms. Elsen's class did a play of Rumplestinskin.  Harrison was one of the King's Guards.

One of the highlights of the year at Glen Lake Elementary is the Spring Carnival.  It was a beautiful evening for this year's event.  It is really amazing because it takes over 100 volunteers to make this event a success and it was!  Ms. Elsen was first up in the dunk tank!

 H got her in!  (Hopefully it doesn't impact his grades!)

Summer is trying to get here!  The boat is in the water!
We had a surprise 90 degree day in early May so enjoyed the evening on the boat!
 Harrison served as catcher on opening day for baseball.

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Q1 2016: A quick summary...

Despite my lack of blogging, the Lichty family has continued to be busy!  The rink provided many, many hours of fun this winter.  The kids would just go out on a weekday evening and on weekends, it was as busy as any park rink!

 Harrison was Star of the Week!
 Miss Q has been playing indoor soccer.
 Glen Lake Paws Pride!  Marty, Fitz, and Bodie proudly display their t-shirts!
Staying with the Paws Pride theme....H was recognized for his positive behavior and leadership!

H has been enjoying a activities other than hockey.  He is loving boy scouts.  They had a magician at their Blue/Gold Banquet an H was selected as his assistant!

He made his Wild themed Pine Wood Derby car all by himself.  It didn't place well but so proud of how hard he worked on it! 

Chess club every Friday before school!  

 We have had lots of hockey both playing it and watching it!

 Hermantown finally won the Class A State Championship.  No-one cheered louder that Harrison!
 Q continues to dazzle with her fashion choices.
 Q enjoys her dance class.  They don't let the parents in so had to sneak a picture.
 We celebrated St. Patrick's Day in the traditional Lichty beverage...Shamrock Shakes!