Sunday, August 30, 2015

Wrapping up a fun summer!

Summer goes by way to fast!  We are taking advantage of every final moment.  Hopefully September will allow for a few more warm days!

Quinn started soccer and loves it!  Other kids have to be forced on the field or run off to their parents but not Q!  I think she's just excited in on the action after watching her brother the last few years.

We spent a lot of time on the lake this summer.  The picture below just makes me smile because it sums it up so well.  We were able to have various friends out with us.  The kids would spend HOURS in the water playing with whoever and whatever was around.  
Harrison spent a week going to a YMCA Day Camp called Camp Christmas tree.  He loved ever minute and is already asking to be able to do the overnight camp.  One of the best parts for him was riding the bus!
Oh Q....ever a dull moment.  On this particular day she was putting spells and hexes on all of us.
We attended a family Pirate Party complete with treasure hunt and a snow cone machine!

The final day of summer vacation was spent at the Minnesota State Fair.  It was Q's first time so fun to see her explore and Harrison planning what he wanted to do.

H asked to do the Ole Mill ride.  I remember doing it with my mom and her talking about doing it as a child.