Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Summer slipping away...

Wow! I can't believe it is the end of August.  I wish I would have been a better blogger because we had so much fun this summer!  

Harrison took golf lessons and loved them!
Harrison's buddy Noah from school was in class with him! (Jack was too!)

Family trip to the como zoo! Harrison always likes going and it was Q's first trip!

There were a few trips to cabins. Harrison went up to Grandma and Grandpa Olmem's cabin for 3 nights without mom and dad! Fishing, canoeing, hiking, swimming, and so much fun!  The whole family went to the Hanson's cabin. (Unfortunately, no pics from either) 
Daddy, Q, and H also went to the Lichty's cabin.  The highlight for H was seeing some bald eagles!

 Q liked driving the boat!
 Harrison participated in a fishing contest...and got second place!