Harrison and Mommy headed to Washington DC to spend Memorial Weekend with Uncle Andy! We had great weather and a great host!
I didn't get pictures from Friday but we met our cousins for dinner. Harrison had not had a nap and fell asleep 2 blocks from the restaurant and slept through dinner.
Saturday we went to a fantastic park in Maryland. It was actually 5 parks in one! Harrison was running between them all and loved it!

He even talked Uncle Andy into doing a slide with him!
The best part of this park was the miniature train that we could ride!

Saturday night we had a BBQ at our cousin Beth's house. So much fun to see their family! Beatrice (age 5) and Harrison were quickly reacquainted. They put on a show for us with some dress up clothes....the majority of Harrison's outfit was gender appropriate with the exception of the shoes.
They share a mutual love of ice cream with sprinkles!


Sunday we saw the sights of DC!

Every time Harrison saw the Washington Monument he would say "Look...it is the space ship one!". Apparently the Washington Monument doubles as a spaceship in the mind of a 2 year old.

We were able to get in 3 Smithsonian Museums...granted we only saw a couple exhibits in each museum. We started off doing the transportation exhibit at the American History Museum.

Next it was off to the Natural History Museum to see the dinosaurs! H really liked the dinosaurs!

Finally, we met up with Beth, Beatrice, and their friend Saddie at the Air and Space Museum.

The three kids walked around the museum hand in hand the whole time!

Driving the plane was a highlight for H!

He also liked the rocket ship!

We capped off the afternoon with a ride on the merry go round!

I was trying to get a good pic of H in front of the landmarks but he was being silly...I actually kind of like the pictures!

Harrison didn't nap on Friday or Saturday but definitely needed one on Sunday! He really liked riding the subway but was a little tired by this point.

Our perfect weekend hit a little speed bump when H started having asthma issues. Fortunately, Beatrice also has asthma so we were able to borrow a neb from them. H was coughing so hard he got sick all over at a bbq restaurant we were at for dinner. (it provided for a memorable dinner!) No worries though, Beatrice had the sprinkler out for H to clean up! (plus a bath!)

Unfortunately, the asthma issues were not able to be controlled by neb treatments so we ended up spending Sunday night in the Emergency Room. I should have taken a before and after pic. He woke up at 11:30 and was miserable on Sunday night so we finally brought him into the ER. Turns out he also had an ear infection. Luckily...some antibiotics, breathing treatment, oxygen, and motrin allowed him to feel better by the time we left at 5:15 a.m! We were still able to make our flight home but a very tired day for everyone!

Despite the ER visit, our weekend was a blast! Thanks Uncle Andy!