I don't even know where to begin. We had such a great Christmas that it is hard to capture it all in a post but I will try. It will just be a really long post!
We kicked off the Christmas weekend with a visit to Macy's 8th Floor exhibit "Day in the Life of an Elf". Harrison's cousin Noland had just arrived from St. Louis so he came along too! It was so much fun watching these two all weekend. Some of my best memories for Christmas' growing up (and even now) involve my cousins so I hope Harrison has the same.

On the night of the 23rd, we baked some cookies. Of course Harrison had to show Uncle Matt, Auntie Callie, and Grandma Nancy what to do.

We gave Harrison our presents on the morning of Christmas Eve. He was excited about his new train shirt...

and the "Memory" game which he calls "Matching".

The boys got some new pajamas on Christmas Eve modeled them in the afternoon!

We headed over to Grandpa and Grandma Lichty's house in the afternoon. It is always fun with games, good food, wine, and of course....lots of presents!

Unfortunately, one of the first present Harrison opened was a horn for his bike. Lesson learned for future years. He honked it all night!

Harrison loved tearing open all the gifts! He couldn't get them open fast enough!

He was really excited about his new sleeping bag from Auntie Suzanne and had to try it out!

One of the biggest hits was a race track with two cars.

It is hard to know who enjoys
all the toys more...Grandpa, Daddy, or Harrison!

Lichty Family Christmas Photo!

Lots of laughs with Auntie Suzanne!

I think the highlight of the night was the birthday cake for Baby Jesus. Harrison was yelling.."It's
Jesus' birthday!!! Happy Birthday Jesus!!!" We set the Baby Jesus from the Nativity scene on the table and sang "Happy Birthday". At least he gets the true meaning of Christmas...sort of anyway.

Harrison was pretty tired and slept until 7:30 Christmas morning. I have a feeling that is the latest he will sleep on Christmas morning for quite a few years. All he wanted from Santa was a train and he got it! He was
soooooo excited!

After checking out was Santa left, he had to go see if the cookies and milk we gone. He proudly reported, "Santa ate them!"

Next it was time for the next round of presents! So much fun watching the boys open their gifts. They was so good about saying thank you and they were so excited!

Grandma and Grandpa
Olmem got Harrison a new crane....again, tough to tell who has more fun with the toys!

Next...off to Christmas Day brunch with the Young side of the family. Always delicious!

Olmem family picture...we never got one where the boys were both looking.

Lichty Family Christmas photo!

We capped off our Christmas celebrating at Grandma Grace's house.

DeDe made a yummy Prime Rib. It was the first time Harrison had Prime Rib and he is a fan! He enjoyed it at the "Guys Table".

More gifts! Harrison's new bear rug from Auntie
DeDe and Uncle Brian will now join his Moose rug! When H opened it he said he was going to take a nap on it. It was especially funny because H did not nap on Christmas. He did so well though. He did not get cranky and had a great day!

Harrison and Noland had to show off their competing hockey jersey's. The boys got along so well!
I think I will remember this Christmas as the "Train Christmas". H received a lot of train related stuff which made him VERY happy!
I know how blessed we are but Christmas really reminds me. We are so lucky to have such great families. Last year we really missed not having Matt, Callie, and Noland so it was special to have them here again. Uncle Andy and Auntie Suzanne always spoil Harrison and he loves it! H has the best grandparents ever! We also so lucky to have such great Aunts, Uncles, and Cousins too that make holidays so much fun!
I'll sign off this long post with a little video. (It is a little dark and Harrison was in a silly mood but I still thought it was cute....of course!)