We did a "nanny share" with a friend of mine from work for a day. Harrison had a great time having an all day playdate with Ian and Graedon. I hope Erin enjoyed it as much as they did!
On Saturdays, we have been doing an Early Childhood Family Education (ECFE) class through our school district. It is a group of 6-12 month babies and their parents. We have been very lucky to have such a fun group! Harrison has become buddies with Thomas. It is very funny to see them interact. We are predicting that they may be the future wrestling team of St. Louis Park!
Harrison enjoyed the first warm evening of the year eating his dinner out on the screen porch. He continues to be a good eater - we still have yet to find something he doesn't like. I am guess that is why he is in the 50% tile for height but 90% tile for weight!
Harrison took no time digging into his Easter basket (although we did have remind him the plastic grass is not edible). The Easter Bunny left a look-alike that sings and dances - Harrison was a big fan!