We dedided to finally move Harrison from the bouncy chair to the high chair when we feed him. (i.e. we finally dug the high chair out from under the stairs and set it up.) I think Harrison might be a future food critic. He has a very wide range of tastes. In fact, he has yet to find a food he doesn't like...sweet potatoes, apples, bananas, carrots, avocado, peas, green beans...homemade or from a jar...straight up or mixed with cereal...doesn't matter, he'll eat it.

He is very picky about the service though. If he feels you are not moving quickly enough with the spoon, he is not shy about letting you know!

Harrison also got a new toy this weekend...a Jumperoo. At first he wasn't sure what to think about the contraption we put him in. He was checking out all the moving parts.

Once he figured out the jumping, he became an instant fan!