Sunday, November 27, 2011

For much we give thanks...

Harrison might be one of the only people giving thanks for the pre-holiday snowfall.  He was SOOOOO excited to get out and enjoy the snow.  
 Thankfully, the snow was short lived and instead we had 50+ degree weather on Thanksgiving!  The neighborhood kids were all out enjoying some pre-dinner activities.  It was a combo of soccer, hockey, and baseball....the rules were not clear but the kids seem to have a good time!
 We took a break from hosting Thanksgiving this year and headed our to Auntie Lois and Uncle Tim's house.  Grandma Grace was able to join us too!
 We love that both sides of our families get along so well to have holidays together!  Harrison loves having both Grandpa's and all three grandma's around!

Uncle Andy came home from DC to meet his new niece!  (He still had plenty of time for Mr. Harrison...he took him on a special adventure to Underwater World at the Mall of America.)
 Once we wrapped up Thanksgiving, it was time to deck the halls!  Harrison was very excited to decorate!  (Our tree look pathetic here but we hadn't put the top half on it yet.)
 Harrison favorite decoration is the holiday train.  I have found him just standing and staring at it.
 He spent a lot of time deciding where to put each ornament.

Saturday, November 19, 2011


Over the last 3 years, we have been so fortunate to watch our parents be wonderful grandparents to Harrison.  Over the last 3 weeks, they have proven it more than ever.  Once they each got the call that Quinlan was coming early, they stopped everything to take care of Harrison, make dinner, do laundry, help clean, run errands...pretty much everything in order for us to focus on Quinlan.  We think are kids are pretty lucky to have these four people be such a big part of their lives!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Preemie Playdate!

We were told by the doctors to limit Q's contact with kids for a few weeks but she was able to have her first playdate.  Audra McKenna is 10 weeks old but also arrived early.  She seemed HUGE next to Q but she is only 8 lbs.

We are trying to decide if H and Q look alike...sometimes I think yes and sometimes no.  Who is who???

(Harrison is first and Quinlan is second.)

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


After a week, we were finally able to bring Quinlan home!  We are so thankful to all the people at Fairview Southdale who helped us over the last week.  They were amazed that she was able to go home so soon.  Most babies at her age spend 2 weeks in the NICU.

 No one was more excited for Quinlan's homecoming that Harrison.  He came running upstair saying "Where is she...where is she???"

 He has a smile every time he sees her.  Hopefully the affection lasts!
Quinlan came home on dadddy's birthday....couldn't think of a better present!  (Good thing because mommy didn't have much time to get him anything else!)

Just sheer love!!!

Friday, November 4, 2011

Welcome Quinlan Grace!

So a funny thing happened on my way to work on Tuesday, November 1...I went into labor (or more accurately, realized I was in labor.)  After much effort to stop the entry of the newest Lichty, she showed us who is boss....Quinlan Grace Lichty was born at 3:43pm.
 Despite being more than  5 weeks early, she had a good showing on the scale!

Unfortunately, she does need to spend some time in the Special Care Nursery but thankfully, she is healthy.  We just need to make sure she knows how to eat and digest enough to increase her girly figure!

 She only had to spend one night under the glow lamps...very remarkable for a baby of her age.  We are not surprise...we have overheard the nurses saying how advanced she is.
 In her short life, Quinlan has already had numerous visitors.  One very special one was Great Grandma Grace...who is delighted to have Quinlan Grace in the family and announce that she will be calling her Gracie.  (we are thinking the rest of the world will call her Quinn).
 She might have been early but we are soooooo happy she is here!!!