Sunday, March 22, 2009

Irish Eyes are Smiling!

The "Fitzgerald" part of Harrison Fitzgerald Lichty celebrated St. Patrick's Day in style! "Fitzie", as he is known by his daycare peeps, enjoyed a dinner of potatoes (and spinach) in honor of his Irish heritage.

We always think Harrison looks like an Irish step-dancer in his Jumparoo!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Mr. Harrison goes to Washington!

Harrison and I went to visit family and friends in Washington DC!
Harrison took his first plane ride and did pretty well...only a little fusing trying to get comfortable to go to sleep each way.

Uncle Andy was a great host and showed Harrison his office building! (Don't worry daddy, we stayed bi-partisan the whole trip!)

We had a fun dinner with good friends Stacie and Jorn and their daughter Kailyn! Although H & K got along well, Stacie and I are actually planning a pre-arranged marriage between H and their soon to be born daughter!
We also had a great time (and great dinner) seeing our Cousins Beth, Joe, and Beatrix. Beatrix was a great host to her younger cousin...sharing her toys and even checking on him throughout dinner to make sure he was getting enough to eat. She was also very sweet and understanding when Harrison kept pulling her hair!

I think Harrison looks good in Washington...hmmmm...maybe he can be President after he goes to Medical school...

Monday, March 9, 2009

Fun at Daycare!

The kids were studying bears at daycare so Mary had them all bring their favorite teddy bear (or stuffed animal) to daycare and they had pajama day. Harrison is second from the left in between two of his favorite girls, Haley and Marly.
Harrison also had fun with some goggles at day care!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Spring Ahead

It almost felt like spring this week with the 40 degree temps so we decided to get outside and take advantage of it. During this time of year in Minnesota, the weather can change at a moments notice. Harrison tried out his new ride...

Monday, March 2, 2009

Lichty Clan

Harrison FINALLY got to meet his Great Aunt Carla and Uncle Pat and cousins Nate and Noelle from Sioux City this past weekend. They first attempted to meet him late last summer but we were out of town. They then had a visit planned just before the holidays but a snow storm prevented that trip. Luckily, the snow storm this past week did not stop this visit! We had so much fun catching up with them and Harrison was spoiled with more gifts and attention!
Nate brought his fiance Becca who will be joining the Lichty family this August!